Due to inclement weather and icy road conditions in our area, we will be closed Wednesday, 2/19. Packages shipped on 2/18 may experience delays.

Looking for Something Special? We Can Help!

Looking for something specific? We’re happy to do whatever we can do to find it for you! Having partnered with various publishers allows us the opportunity to make special order requests on behalf of our customers. Whether it’s getting a rush-order package drop-shipped to you or obtaining items for you that we typically do not stock, we’re delighted to assist you with whatever your needs may be.

Found it somewhere else?

If, however, you have placed a special order with us and then found those items elsewhere or simply changed your mind about the order, it is important that you let us know as soon as you can. We can try to cancel your special order with the vendor, but if it’s already on its way to you, that may not be possible.

Sending it back?

Most special orders are non-returnable. Permission must first be obtained should you choose to return those items to us, but such returns are subject to restocking fees. Shipping costs are also non-refundable.

Need more info?

For more information, you can check our returns policies on our website FAQ page at 21stcc.com/faq.