What do you remember about VBS from your childhood? If you’re anything like me, you remember two events: snack time and craft time. After the lemonade and shortbread cookies, it was time for pipe cleaners, glitter, and paint. I remember that every craft, despite its supply list, was tied directly to the day’s lesson. There’s something about making a lesson-related craft that works. You remember the lesson longer, and you hold on to that craft just a little longer, too. Admit it — somewhere in your attic, you still have a VBS craft from third or fourth grade, don’t you?
As you already know, arts and crafts are an essential part of any VBS program for that reason alone. Crafts help students associate what they make with the lessons they’re learning. Promise VBS hasn’t put together a selection of DIY crafts for 12 students per kit this year. What Promise VBS has made available this year is better. The Redemption Ranch Cowboy Crafts Book is a must for you and your students this summer.
Instead of selecting four or five pre-assembled crafts, VBS teachers can choose from among six theme crafts, 10 preschool crafts, and 10 elementary crafts. We’ve even included three bonus toddler crafts!
Each craft features an accompanying theme verse from the lesson, craft aims, a materials list, preparation steps, step-by-step instructions, and reproducible pages that give students decorative pieces that will complete their crafts as well as an image of the final product.
You’ll save money, too! At just $19.99, the Redemption Ranch Cowboy Craft Book is less expensive than buying pre-assembled DIY kits, and you’ll have access to many more craft options. Lasso your copy today!