Do you know that VBS is one of the most effective outreach tools that a church has in its toolbox? It’s true. VBS is one of the best ways to invite families in communities to attend a church event, get involved, and build relationships with other families and, ultimately, with Jesus Christ.
However, before you can help people build those relationships, you must invite them to attend your VBS events. Promise VBS has a number of ways to help you publicize your event and invite people in your community to be a part.
Invitation Cards
Available in packs of 25, Invitation Cards are designed to be addressed to specific individuals or groups and are suitable for mailing.
Multimedia CD
Getting the word out to the community at-large can sometimes prove to be a more difficult task. That’s why we’ve included publicity helps on our Multimedia CD, which is also available as a digital download.
Advertising Posters
In the weeks leading up to VBS, why not advertise the event to visitors as well as to those who attend regularly? Promise VBS offers a pack of Advertising Posters, featuring six designs that welcome students, parents, and anyone interested in learning more about faithful stewardship and a relationship with Christ to saddle up for VBS at Redemption Ranch.
Each of these resources is available at While you’re there, remember to download free logos if you’d like to make your own signage. Order these outreach tools today!