Were you charged with taking the lead for VBS this year? Congratulations! It’s a big job, but it’s so rewarding. If you’ve been in this position in the past, you’ve learned a lot and know a bit about what to expect. If you’re new to the role, have no fear. Promise VBS has just what you need to ensure your congregation has the best Vacation Bible School in the West!
Why do I need a Director Manual?
Whether you have questions about how to structure the classes, what your preparation timeline should be, how to decorate your facilities, or why you should even host a VBS at your church building, the answers are all found in the Redemption Ranch Director Manual.
Some of the topics covered in this important resource include an overview of the lessons, why the skit book is important, and how best to utilize the Multimedia CD. You’ll also find detailed information about the teacher manuals, student books, and visual aid packets—all of which are essential to hosting a successful VBS. There’s even a letter inside just for you.
Where can I get a Director Manual?
If you’ve ordered your Redemption Ranch Starter Kit, you’re ahead of the game because a Director Manual is included with it. If not, contact us today to order a Starter Kit or a Director Manual for yourself or someone else on the planning committee. Resources are available at promisevbs.com. You can also reach us at 800-251-2477.