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Searching for a Ladies’ Bible Study? Just ASK Us

In Luke 11, Jesus teaches a group to pray just as He taught His disciples to pray. In that lesson, He tells those assembled, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (v. 9). That principle is the basis upon which the late Casandra Martin wrote the first book in a ladies’ Bible study series called ASK, which stands for Ask, Seek, Knock.

Casandra is best-known for her Women Opening the Word (WOW) series, which features such popular titles as ABCs of a Godly Heart and Paul, by the Grace of God. After writing 13 volumes in the WOW series, Casandra began the ASK series to give ladies a more focused series that would allow readers the opportunity to open the door to discover more about who they are in God’s kingdom. Sadly, she passed away before she could add to the series following the first release, The Love Story: The Story of Ruth.

Because of her influence and popularity among women in churches of Christ, a group of Casandra’s most ardent fans who also happened to be writers with published Bible studies of their own decided to help round out the series by contributing original works.

Debbra Stephens has written two of the series’ studies: ID’d Your God-Given Identity in Christ and Crowned: Adorned with Kingdom Blessings. Courtney Kendall Steed wrote Lover of God’s Law: A Study of Psalm 119. Additional titles will be added as writers develop manuscripts.

Each volume is available for purchase at 21stcc.com for $13.99. You may also order by phone at 800-251-2477.