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A Fifth Medley of Topics

SKU CCH06042
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A Fifth Medley of Topics
Product Details
Publisher/Vendor: Conchin Books
Author/Contributor: Willard Conchin
Binding: Saddle Stitch
This workbook, the fifth in the Medley of Topics" series, consists of twelve lessons on various topics. Its purpose, like the others before it, is to direct the reader to the Scriptures on the topics discussed.To eliminate confusion, the reader should use the King James Version, or the right number of words for the blanks may not be possible.

Lesson 1: "Understandest Thou What Thou Readest?"
Lesson 2: "Behold, I Thought"
Lesson 3: "We Are Debtors"
Lesson 4: "Let Us Go On Unto Perfection"
Lesson 5: "What Doth the Lord Require of Thee?"
Lesson 6: Another Gospel?
Lesson 7: "Be Not Weary in Well Doing"
Lesson 8: "Rejoice in the Lord Alway: And Again I Say, Rejoice"
Lesson 9: Some Things You Should Know About Faith
Lesson 10: "This Is a Hard Saying"
Lesson 11: The Proper Regard for Truth
Lesson 12: What People Do Not Know Can Hurt Them"