A Third Medley of Topics
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A Third Medley of Topics
Product Details
Publisher/Vendor: Conchin Books
Author/Contributor: Willard Conchin
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Sometimes we like to study a certain topic, such as Life After Death," and find all the information we can on that subject. That is a great way to study. At other times we prefer to study one subject for a while and then shift to another, thus gathering limited information on a variety of subjects. A variety of topics might be called a medley of topics. This workbook is another study of a variety of subjects and is the third book written in this manner. The other two have been well received.
A good class will, no doubt, want to bring in other related material on each subject discussed, since none of the subjects are an exhaustive work. As is true of all the other Conchin workbooks, this one also is based on the King James Version. Using a different version may present problems when one is filling in the blanks in the workbook.
Try to consider each lesson a challenge, and make the teacher proud of your interest and enthusiasm.
Table of Contents
Lesson One: Some Things Which Are Precious
Lesson Two: The Goodness and Severity of God
Lesson Three: Beware!
Lesson Four: "A Charge To Keep I Have"
Lesson Five: Self-Discipline
Lesson Six: "And While He Lingered"
Lesson Seven: "I Have Learned"
Lesson Eight: "For All These Things"
Lesson Nine: "But God"
Lesson Ten: How Satan Hinders
Lesson Eleven: "In Every Thing Give Thanks"
Lesson Twelve: In His Steps
A good class will, no doubt, want to bring in other related material on each subject discussed, since none of the subjects are an exhaustive work. As is true of all the other Conchin workbooks, this one also is based on the King James Version. Using a different version may present problems when one is filling in the blanks in the workbook.
Try to consider each lesson a challenge, and make the teacher proud of your interest and enthusiasm.
Table of Contents
Lesson One: Some Things Which Are Precious
Lesson Two: The Goodness and Severity of God
Lesson Three: Beware!
Lesson Four: "A Charge To Keep I Have"
Lesson Five: Self-Discipline
Lesson Six: "And While He Lingered"
Lesson Seven: "I Have Learned"
Lesson Eight: "For All These Things"
Lesson Nine: "But God"
Lesson Ten: How Satan Hinders
Lesson Eleven: "In Every Thing Give Thanks"
Lesson Twelve: In His Steps
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