
Choose Whom You Will Serve (A Study of Joshua)

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Product Details
ISBN: 9780890988954
Publisher/Vendor: 21st Century Christian Publishing
Author/Contributor: Jeff Dunn
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 152
Age Level: Adult
Bible Topic: Joshua
Subject: Men’s Studies

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

Where do you put your trust and where do you bestow your worship? If you are a Christian, then your answer to both of those questions is simple. In God.

In this study, Jeff Dunn guides readers through the transitions in the life of Joshua who rose from Moses’ aide to a godly leader. By studying Joshua’s transition into manhood, men will learn to assume the roles God has prepared for them by putting their faith in Him.

“Jeff does a great job showing the servant nature of Joshua’s leadership. This is a great read for those that want to lead God’s way.” –Al Robertson, Duck Commander

Table of Contents:
1. Son of Nun: Servant of the LORD
2. Man Up!: Be Strong and Courageous!
3. Consecrated Man of God
4. Memorials
5. War: Faith in Action
6. Sin in the Camp
7. Making Miracles Out of Our Messes
8. Claiming Your Mountain
9. How Long?
10. The Refuge
11. Faithfulness and Promises
12. Peacemakers
13. Whom You Will Serve

About the Author:
Jeff Dunn currently serves as the preaching minister for Huntsville Church of Christ in Huntsville, Texas. A graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jeff has served as youth and pulpit minister with churches in Texas and Oklahoma. His experience as a teacher in public schools coupled with a deep love for Scripture creates a unique combination, which makes him a popular teacher and conference speaker. His previous book, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Finding the Miracle in Miscarriage continues to bless those struggling through grief. Jeff lives in Huntsville with his wife and two daughters.

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