Faithful Bible Investigators (F.B.I.) Vol 1 - Resource Kit
Get the 4-1-1 on Faithful Bible Investigators
WHO is it for?
Faithful Bible Investigators is a curriculum designed for 3rd through 5th Graders. Students at this age still enjoy playing along with a theme, especially if it involves spies!
WHAT is it really?
The F.B.I. is a year-long, chronological survey of the Bible presented in 4 Volumes (or quarters). This material helps students investigate "The Big Picture" of the Bible and discover how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.
WHERE and WHEN can it be used?
The F.B.I. concept was successfully field-tested in a year-round Bible classroom setting, but can easily be used by homeschoolers, missionaries, and private Christian schools. Kids love the idea of being Secret Agents. You'll be surprised how many grown-ups do, too!
WHY use this material?
Traditional Bible classes are sometimes quite predictable and even mundane. This is a crime! Many teachers may find themselves asking: "How can I grab my students' attention and hold it?" The answer? F.B.I. Innovation!