
Knowing and Claiming God's Promises

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Knowing and Claiming God's Promises
Product Details
UPC: 9780890988244
ISBN: 9780890988244
Publisher/Vendor: 21st Century Christian Publishing
Publisher/Vendor: 21st Century Christian Publishing
Curriculum Series: The Cornerstone of Our Faith
Author/Contributor: Michael A. Brown
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 88
Age Level: Adult / Teen

This world attempts to pull our focus in innumerable directions. Whether work, family, friends, politics, sports, or anything else, it seems everyone wants our attention. Our focus as Christians, however, should be squarely on God and the work He does in our lives every day. We can keep our focus on Him through His Word, and it's in His Word that we find the promises He's made to us. In this series of lessons, readers will learn that there can be no greater assurance in life than to know that God's promises rest with us throughout the challenges and changes of our shared human experience in this world.

Cornerstone Adult Bible Study Electives:
• Written by faithful members of the Lord's church
• Updated — you select and study them on your schedule
• Variety of topics — textual, topical, Old Testament, New Testament
• New studies will be added to the series
• Suitable for lecture, discussion, or individual study

Table of Contents:
1. He Is Working It Out
2. Clarity in Times of Confusion
3. Resist the Twist
4. Experiencing Genuine Freedom
5. Receiving Our Requests
6. Take No Thought
7. A Peace Beyond Compare (Part 1)
8. A Peace Beyond Compare (Part 2)
9. Reaching the Ultimate Goal
10. A Way of Escape
11. Never Left Alone
12. Our Future Glory
13. A Wonderful Welcome

About the Author:
Michael Brown serves as the Senior Minister for the Westview church of Christ in Huntsville, Alabama. He is a native of Trenton, New Jersey, and has served the church in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Alabama. Michael holds a Master of Religion and a Master of Divinity from Lipscomb University as well as a Doctorate from Harding School of Theology. He also serves as Senior Software Consultant for Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) in Huntsville. He has authored several books. This study is his fourth release in the Cornerstone series.