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Lady BUGs 2...Learning to Morph

SKU 2CC024260
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Lady BUGs 2...Learning to Morph
Product Details
ISBN: 9780890984260
Publisher/Vendor: 21st Century Christian Publishing
Series: Ladies Better Understanding God
Author/Contributor: Denell Dennis
Binding: Spiralbound
Size: 8.5 x 11
Age Level: Adult
Subject: Women's Studies

Simply say the word "change" and many of us break into a cold sweat. But guess what? Jesus is in the "transforming" business and His followers are expected to grow, mature, improve,...change. This follow-up to the original Lady BUGs study will stretch your thinking and draw you closer to God.

Also available, the first volume in the Ladies Better Understanding God series, Lady BUGs...The Journey Begins.