"Let Us", A Great Exhortation
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"Let Us", A Great Exhortation
Product Details
Publisher/Vendor: Conchin Books
Author/Contributor: Willard Conchin
Binding: Saddle Stitch
This, the fifty-seventh workbook by Willard Conchin, is written with the hope that those Christians who use it will develop a clearer, more pronounced conception of their part in helping others carry out the work of the Lord. The words, Let Us," are words of exhortation, telling us that all are needed and none are excluded. Therefore, every Christian must accept a personal responsibility in the Kingdom of God. As Paul expressed it in II Cor. 6:12, we are "workers together" with God -- we are therefore "fellow" workers.
Use the King James Version in this study as in previous works by this writer. This should eliminate confusion in filling in the blanks.
Lesson 1: "Let Us Not Sleep, As Do Others"
Lesson 2: "Let Us Lay Aside Every Weight... and Run WithPatience"
Lesson 3: "Let Us Go Into the Next Towns"
Lesson 4: "Let Us Go Again and Visit Our Brethren"
Lesson 5: "Let Us Go On Unto Perfection"
Lesson 6: "Let Us Walk Honestly"
Lesson 7: "Let Us Consider One Another"
Lesson 8: "Let Us Therefore Follow After the Things WhichMake for Peace" (Rom. 14:19.)
Lesson 9: "Let Us Love in Deed and in Truth"
Lesson 10: "Let Us Not Be Desirous of Vain Glory"
Lesson 11: "Let Us Cleanse Ourselves from All Filthinessof the Flesh and Spirit" (II Cor. 7:1.)
Lesson 12: "Let Us Be Glad and Rejoice""
Use the King James Version in this study as in previous works by this writer. This should eliminate confusion in filling in the blanks.
Lesson 1: "Let Us Not Sleep, As Do Others"
Lesson 2: "Let Us Lay Aside Every Weight... and Run WithPatience"
Lesson 3: "Let Us Go Into the Next Towns"
Lesson 4: "Let Us Go Again and Visit Our Brethren"
Lesson 5: "Let Us Go On Unto Perfection"
Lesson 6: "Let Us Walk Honestly"
Lesson 7: "Let Us Consider One Another"
Lesson 8: "Let Us Therefore Follow After the Things WhichMake for Peace" (Rom. 14:19.)
Lesson 9: "Let Us Love in Deed and in Truth"
Lesson 10: "Let Us Not Be Desirous of Vain Glory"
Lesson 11: "Let Us Cleanse Ourselves from All Filthinessof the Flesh and Spirit" (II Cor. 7:1.)
Lesson 12: "Let Us Be Glad and Rejoice""
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