
Summer Horizons Teens Teacher’s Guide

Product Details
Publisher/Vendor: Gospel Advocate Company
Curriculum Series: Horizons Teen Bible Study
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Age Level: Teens
Bible Topic: David and Solomon

Horizons is a popular quarterly curriculum for teens published by Gospel Advocate. Although following the same biblical texts as the Gospel Advocate adult curriculum (Foundations), lessons are presented in ways that are especially relevant to teens. Each lesson contains the Bible text, discussion questions, life applications and activities — all designed to help your teens know and live God’s truth. A teacher’s manual is available with extra ideas to make your teen classes even better.

Subjects for 2023-24:
Fall 2023: The Godhead
Winter 2023-24: Esther
Spring 2024: 1st Corinthians
Summer 2024: Ezra & Nehemiah

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