Take a Trip Down Under Without Leaving Your Church Building

Have you ever wanted to visit Australia and take in the sights and sounds of the Outback? Well, you can do just that this summer, and you don’t even need your passport! Hike the trails of the Land Down Under with Promise VBS at Turnabout Pointe: Where the Path Leads to Jesus.

Get your teachers and students excited (or as they say in Australia, chuffed) for VBS by celebrating Australia Day on January 26. Marking the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag at Sydney Cove in New South Wales, Australia Day celebrations are designed to showcase the continent’s diverse society and landscape. It’s the day that communities dole out their awards to citizens and welcome new members through citizenship ceremonies.

Are you ready to order Turnabout Pointe starter kits? They’re full of materials to help get you finalize VBS plans. Each kit includes a director manual, six teacher manuals (one for each age level), six student books (one for each age level), one reproducible enrollment sheet, one reproducible attendance sheet, one adult book, one student certificate, one name badge, one invitation card, one thank-you card, a brochure with order form, and assorted samples. What’s even better is that the backpack that ships as part of your starter kit is one you’ll love to carry with you throughout VBS and everywhere else you go!

Starter kits will begin shipping by the end of January, but you can place a pre-order for yours today. Call Promise VBS at 800-251-2477 to place your pre-order now. You can also visit promisevbs.com for more information about Turnabout Pointe.