They Fought for You. Now Stand for Them.

Stop for a moment to consider how different your life might be had it not been for the veterans who fought for the freedoms you enjoy. Drastic, right? What you may not know is how difficult their lives are following their years of military service.

Did you know that, on average, 17-22 veterans take their own lives every day? Were you aware that 62 percent of combat veterans will experience divorce? The statistics are, indeed, grim, but help is available.

The book God’s Word for Warriors is the basis for the Nashville-based nonprofit by the same name (GWFW), one of two ministry partners of 21st Century Christian, that is committed to serving the spiritually wounded, emotionally distressed, and brokenhearted by providing peer-based support through a series of faith-based courses, programs, and events.

GWFW started in 2016, desiring to assist student veterans in higher education to resolve moral and spiritual conflicts resulting from military service that was preventing them from reaching their goals and was disrupting their relationships. Since that time, GWFW has expanded its reach to include all military, veterans, and their spouses.

If you have a heart for the military and its veterans and want to get involved, contact GWFW. You can visit their website and click on the “Get Involved” tab to learn more.