
12 Compelling Truths: Why Biblical Faith Is Completely Reasonable

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12 Compelling Truths: Why Biblical Faith Is Completely Reasonable
Product Details
ISBN: 9780890984772
Publisher/Vendor: 21st Century Christian Publishing
Author/Contributor: Dewayne Bryant
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 176
Age Level: Adult
Subject: Christian Evidences

What is truth? Does God exist? Is the Bible inspired and reliable?

In our walk with God, we encounter many questions either within ourselves or from others. As the Bible comes under an ever-increasing attack from the world, it is important for us to know the answers and understand how to defend our faith about issues including the creation of the universe, the historical accuracy of the Bible, pain and suffering, Christian plagiarism, new atheism.

"Our society is becoming increasingly anti-Christian and anti-God. Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins are lauded by many as objective intellectuals, when they are actually firebrand atheists. The Jesus Seminar utilizes the media and technology to spread the false 'gospel' of theological liberalism. In the midst of all of this, Dewayne Bryant's book Twelve Compelling Truths is a 'must read' for anyone who wants to know how to effectively answer the critics of Scripture, as well as firm up his faith in the fundamentals. Dewayne is well suited for the task. His academic credentials are superb, yet he communicates in a very simple, easy style that is highly effective. Every church leader, as well as every Christian, should read Twelve Compelling Truths."

— David W. Hester, minister
Springville Road church of Christ, Chalkville, AL
Bible instructor, Amridge University

Dewayne BryantAbout the Author:
Dewayne Bryant formerly served as the involvement minister at the Willow Avenue church of Christ in Cookeville, TN. Having conducted apologetics seminars in the U.S. and New Zealand, he currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses at Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL. Dewayne holds a PhD in Biblical Studies with a focus on the Old Testament (Amridge University), graduate degrees in Biblical Studies (Reformed Theological Seminary) and Bible (Lipscomb University), with additional graduate coursework in ancient Near Eastern archaeology and languages (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School). He is an active member of the Archaeological Institute of America, the American Schools of Oriental Research, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the International Society of Christian Apologetics.