ACTS: A Church That Shines ( Acts 1-12 )
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Downloadable, small group and adult Bible class curriculum by Bill Rasco. Each of the 12 lessons contains several pages of leader material and a student handout sheet to guide the discussion.
All pages may be duplicated for use within the purchasing congregation or group.
Bill Rasco is the Family and Involvement Minister for the Church of Christ at Champions in Houston, TX. He is a graduate of Southern Christian University. Bill has also co-authored the Tell Me the Story series (21st Century Christian) with Casandra Martin.
Table of Contents
1. A Church That Shines (Acts 1)
2. A Church That Is Shaped Like Jesus (Acts 2)
3. A Church That Strengthens (Acts 3)
4. A Church That Surrenders (Acts 4)
5. A Church That Sacrifices (Acts 4)
6. A Church That Stands (Acts 5-6)
7. A Church That Speaks (Acts 6-7)
8. A Church That Stretches (Acts 8)
9. A Church That Is Sanctified (Acts 9)
10. A Church That Submits (Acts 10)
11. A Church That Is Spirit-Driven (Acts 11)
12. A Church That Seeks God in Prayer (Acts 12)
NOTE: Digital downloads are copyright protected materials. These lesson files may be reproduced and distributed among teachers and students directly connected with the purchaser, such as a class within a church. The downloaded files may not be copied, shared, reproduced, or distributed in any form to anyone other than the purchaser, such as another congregation, without specific permission from the publisher.