Author Spotlight: Meet Michael Brown

What do you get when you mix in a little software consulting and some solid Bible teaching? You get the talented Dr. Michael A. Brown.

A Trenton, New Jersey native who holds master’s degrees in religion and divinity from Lipscomb University and a doctorate from Harding University School of Theology, Brown is busy with two roles: senior minister of the Westview Church of Christ in Madison, Alabama, and technical manager for NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

An active writing career also keeps him busy. Brown is a contributing author to the Cornerstone of Our Faith series, having written eight titles to date. His newest release from 21st Century Christian is the small group study, Drawing Nearer, a fascinating study in which readers will investigate critical texts about worship, examine pertinent episodes of worship from Scripture, and discover key building blocks for developing a greater personal and corporate worship experience. Enjoy this excerpt:

“When we think of worshiping God, when we consider drawing
nearer to the Lord, the hymns found in the psalter are a great
place to start. They can set our minds and hearts right where
they need to be. Do you really want to feel the presence of God
in a corporate worship gathering?
“Then pour through the hymns of Psalms on a regular basis.
Read them slowly. Read them reflectively. Ask the Lord to
stitch them to your spirit. As the local church family does this
as individuals, the opening of our corporate worship will be
primed for a new spiritual reality. We will be able to set aside
the distractions of life and the tyranny of the urgent. We will be
focused on the Lord and on eternity.”

Order your copy today at or call 800-251-2477.